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A member registered Jan 31, 2021

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Anyone know how to get the Progressive Coalition?

(1 edit)

Im curious as to why the end date wont expand past 1933 into 1936, i would like this change as in most games you will end the playthrough just hanging on for dear life, and I would be interested in rebuilding democracy after the fact and fixing the politics of the nation.

it could be on the status menu rather then events

You should add a button you can click to show your support among various groups (workers, farmers, etc) at the cost of 1 resource. there could be a similar option for relations with other parties

your welcome

dont really like the exploration update

i edited, check

i fixed read again

Edit: added how get key

you press deeper in forest and do the combination of left and righ

(1 edit)

i did it! here is how i did it, its REALLY HARD llrl, to go to the fun guy, , then go get the key from rlll by going to shack. then the fight begins, press act and use heal and tire abilities, make sure you heal enough! despite him getting ubsurd helth, he will tire out, when he is, spare him, you will get you items and shard, nice. , head to town and steal from the smalll shop for gun and rubies, then kill the dealer in dark alley, you will get teh other key, go to shack and kill moth, then go in basement and use shard on demon, there you go!

i did it! here is how i did it, its REALLY HARD llrl, to go to the fun guy, , then go get the key from rlll then the fight begins, press act and use heal and tire abilities, make sure you heal enough! despite him getting ubsurd helth, he will tire out, when he is, spare him, you will get you items and shard, nice. , head to town and steal from the smalll shop for gun and rubies, then kill the dealer in dark alley, you will get teh other key, go to shack and kill moth, then go in basement and use shard on demon, there you go!

i did it! here is how i did it, its REALLY HARD llrl, to go to the fun guy, , then go get the key from rlll then the fight begins, press act and use heal and tire abilities, make sure you heal enough! despite him getting ubsurd helth, he will tire out, when he is, spare him, you will get you items and shard, ice, head to town and steal from the smalll shop for gun and rubies, then kill the dealer in dark alley, you will get teh other key, go to shack and kill moth, then go in basement and use shard on demon, there you go!